
Mental Stability and Vitaly is a private company community that provides and totally focuses on mental development and empowerment, manifestations and management, and personal and professional advancement and growth that consists of members (team members, community members, and preferred customer members) who are in common unity with the laws and ways of life, helping and supporting each other in our personal and professional paths and journey of life through the World Games within the Games of Life. Mental Stability Company Community trains and develops you to win the World Games within the Games of life. The World Games are what we refer to as the You vs You, The Mind Games, The Money Games, the Ministry Games, The Company Games - God's Mandates vs Lord's Fate, God's Money vs Mammon and Graven Money, God's Mind vs. The Lord, the Laws Judgments, The You vs. The World.
If you have been struggling in the World Games within the Games of Life, Mental Stability also has a Mental Therapy department, which we refer to as our debt consolidation and debt relief department. This is designed to help you become free, atoned, and amended from the debts of life. This part of the company community is designed to help you reach mental health, restore your true self, and to train you on how to become financially free from debt and help you become economically and financially productive in these money games and the paths and journey of life.
The Mental Stability Team and Company Community is a group of people working and serving good deeds and good works and learning together to support and help each other to win the World Games within the Games of Life (and if necessary, to get out of the debts of life and to win the Mind Games of Repentance from malfunctioning, The Game of Self, which we refer to as the YOU vs the Fallen You, or The Game of Restoration, which means to restore you back to your true self from the fallen world, and to get back into the real money games and be free from idolatry and pride of possessions, which is the Game of Redemption to redeem all that you have lost in this world and journey of life from falling victim to the malfunctions of life and enemies of potential that keeps getting into the debts of life).
About Mental Stability and Vitality Company Community Memberships:
The Team Members are to be guides and assistance to the Community and Agencies. The Leaders of the team are to the be the apostles and agents of the Community and Agencies and the producers of good deeds and good works and the middleman of resources of the real world and real currency and money.
The Community Member (Laws of Life Abiding Members and Good Deeds and Good Works representatives of the real world)
Preferred Customer Members are spokesmen, affiliates, and networkers for the Community and Agencies, as well as, receivers of wholesale services, products, benefits, and rewards.
Community Outreach Resources and Programs and Events:
Free Will gifts of healing training courses and materials with responsibilities of completing the healing training program and journey and giving donation gift, healing testimonies, and recommendations
($1/month) GoodWill Gifts Performance Trainings for the fallen world to help find mental stability in the fallen world but still be able to perform services and works to fulfill the law of life that everyone has to work and serve, and the power of choice to know how to
Team PeaceWill Gifts of open events of gifts and good deeds and works services and trainings (weekly, monthly, seasonally, and yearly) and personal team memberships freewill craft services and works for children development and growth

Everything you need for mental healing in one course!
Mental Stability Curriculum is a mental health and healing educational experience to learn who you are, the knowledge of self, and what we're supposed to be doing on this journey of life. It also teaches you how to become free, atoned, and amended from the debts of life. It is a self-paced course that walks you through everything in our curriculum including getting mental relief courses that provide outstanding entertainment and media, along with useful tips to improve your mental thinking, mental stability courses that provide vital mental health resources and online experiences to enhance mental stability, mental rebirth courses that offer guidance for navigating and understanding mental health diseases and viruses, providing healing solutions, rejuvenation, and transformation into a renewed self, mental development courses to unlock your abilities, excel in your pursuits, use language for peak performance, elevate your thinking, apply manifestation laws for desired outcomes, regain your power of choice, and unleash your inner potential, and mental advancement courses that introduce the laws of life, the rules of money, and how to advance with these laws that govern the world we live in.

Browse our online course library
Personal Development & Therapy Courses & Materials
The Mental Library offers an extensive selection of online courses aimed at helping you cultivate a strong and stable mind and life. Crafted and developed by expert in mental development, management, and advancement, Dr. Anthony Rhodman, theses courses guide you through your personal and professional journey to succeed in life's games, which we call The Mind Games, You vs. The World, and The Money Games. If you have been struggling in any of these Games of Life, Dr. Rhodman created courses to help you become free, atoned, and amended from the debts of life so you can reach mental health, restore your true self, and train yourself on how to become financially free from debt and help you become economically and financially productive in this money game and journey of life. The Mental Library includes courses in mental therapy, mental stability, mental rebirth, mental development, mental advancement, and much more. Explore our library to find the course or courses that best suit your needs and support you on your mental health journey.

Personal Development & Therapy Program & Materials
If you're looking for resources from our vast mental library, specifically crafted to support your journey through courses at your own pace rather than simply selecting individual classes, explore our self-help curriculum to find the program that suits you best.
Dr. Anthony Rhodman offers Mental Relief Live, which are prerecorded sessions for anyone who wants to learn more about the knowledge of self and who you are, Dr. Rhodman's products, tiers, and opportunities that are available. Gain insights about what this life is about for yourself. Find out who you truly are and not who you were told you are. Also included inside of your subscription, you will find Dr. Rhodman's most recent podcast called What The...Malfunction as a bonus!

Want to know where to start? All you have to do is follow this roadmap to see where you should begin, depending on what you are looking for.

Tier 1: The Mental Relief Process allows you to get mental relief from your everyday stresses and worries. Inside, you will find quick tips to stay motivated and get your spark back, podcasts, videos, and more to get some quick mental relief.
Gain mental relief from your everyday stressors, anxieties, and worries.​
Get the mental encouragement you need to stay motivated toward your everyday goals.
Watch exclusive podcasts and video content from Dr. Anthony Rhodman.
All of the content to the right is included in your subscription to Tier 1: The Mental Relief Process! Click a course to get the details.


Tier 2 is where you can find your mental essential needs. Gain access to online courses, ebooks, and more! Learn how to get out of the mind games and use your mind to your advantage, discover the mental vitamins and supplements for mental health, and simple strategies for mental relief.
Receive the mental nutrition and relief you need to start learning about true mental health.
Tier 2 also includes access to Tier 1! Browse what is included in Tier 2 (to the right) to get the details.


Tier 3 is designed to help you completely remove the mental viruses, mental diseases, and mental enemies that destroy mental health so you can start your life new with a mental rebirth. It includes.a five-step experience with mental health and wellness expert, Dr. Anthony Rhodman, who equips you with everything you will need to do, what you will experience, and you can expect to come on this journey to mental health.
Learn about the minds and their functionality, the enemies of mental health, and some quick solutions to start your process of healing.
Discover the root of the malfunctioning identities, realities, visions, ideas, feelings, emotions, words, and actions that have been attacking your mental health.
Prepare for the tests of life with the mental tools and become a new you.
Tier 3 also includes access to Tier 1 through Tier 2! Browse what is included in Tier 3 (to the right) to get the details.


Our Mental Stability Team is comprised of individuals who have journeyed through the process of mental wellness themselves. Each team member brings a unique perspective and skillset to the Mental Stability Community. Whether you need someone to talk to, need access to our resources, or guidance on where to go, our team is ready to help you. So if you're ready to take the first step towards mental wellness, our team is here for you.
Personal Tier 1-5 Experience
Our team members have personally gone through Tiers 1-5 so they know what to expect and can help you navigate through the tiers with their personal experience.
Combining Tiers with Expertise
Our team members not only have experience in the tiers, but they can provide you with in-depth knowledge and expertise, based on their experiences in their industry.
Guidance to Mental Fulfillment
Our team members are here to offer you direction and guidance on navigating the different stages of your mental health journey and help you understand the details of the tiers.